
Can you keep a secret?

Everyone has secrets that they keep from other people, even the closest person in their lives. It doesn't necessarily has to be something big like reading erotic stories on the web when no one at home. It actually can be something small. In fact so small that it actually won't impact anyone's life, not even yours if you don't share it with anyone. But you keep it a secret nonetheless.

When people said they keep nothing from their significant other, I am burning with doubts because how is that even possible? At least I think so because I have my own secrets that I keep from people in my life. Teeny tiny secrets that won't affect my life but I feel that it's necessary not to mention to anyone.

Oh, who am I kidding. Of course I keep the secrets because I can't share them with anyone else. Because it might embarrass me or create an awkward situation. If there's anyone on this earth with no secret to hide, I'd really like to know this person. Seriously. If you're reading this Honest Human, e-mail me please. Hello? You there? Yep, I don't think so.
Pssst…if you're out there somewhere, do e-mail me. You could really restore my faith in mankind. Sort of.

Since I like the movie 'V For Vendetta' and the idea of him being anonymous until the end, you can call me V.This space will be where I pour my secrets out. Some will make you smile, or even laugh, some will make you wonder how much stupid I can be. And some will be shocking. It can get ugly. Actually, it will get ugly. Consider carefully before you decide to read on.

Because from now on, there's no turning back.

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