

People say some movies are not for the faint hearts. I agree. Only that I am pretty stubborn when it comes to ghost movies. For some reasons, even when I watch movies from this genre through the gaps of my fingers, I still watch them and manage to frighten myself silly along the way. I've been known to make people jump in their seats not because of the scary scenes on screen, but because of my screams. You know how these kind of movies work right? It's bound to give you a heart attack.

However, I seldom have nightmares or reluctant to go to the bathroom after watching them. Well, except when in the hometown house I guess. I get goosebumps just thinking about that house. Anyway like I said, I usually get scared only when I watch the movies. Afterwards, I'd probably be laughing my head off watching some funny movie.

But ever since I watched the horror movies "Juon" and "The Eye", two things changed. Now, whenever I take a shower at night and shampoo my hair, I make sure I open my eyes and rinse my hair as quickly as possible. Remember the shower scene? I do. I can't quite forget the elevator scene from "The Eye" too. Now, everytime I enter an elevator, I keep my back faced to the wall. I used to be so much braver before.

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