
I'm currently sitting on a chair in my living room, trying to figure out whether I should go out and do some much needed grocery shopping, or eat a sandwich or two for dinner before vigorously clean up my apartment. It's not so much of a difficult decision to make if I were to look around my apartment. Even without my glasses on, I can still see the dirtiness and the messiness. The last time I peeked at the second bathroom, I almost fainted. This is the price I have to pay for having two undoubtedly heterosexual males as my housemate. I should have advertised for two fun-loving gays for housemates. At least even if they don't help me keep the place clean, I have someone to bitch to about something. Instead I get one gym addict and another, perfume addict who by the way, always makes me feel light headed. And not in a good way. But back to the subject, what is it about men (at least the men I know) that make them thing cleaning up is a woman's chore?

When I was growing up with two sisters and two brothers, our mom made us the girls helped her did the housework. I was appointed to do the laundry, sweep the floor and wash the dishes. Unsatisfied with how the boys got to watch TV and went out to play with their friends, I ended up hating doing housework. What rights do they have to avoid doing housework? I want to find out and use it for my own purpose. I believe no matter what chromosomes you have, housework should be divided equally among your siblings.

It could be in the culture too. I grew up unfortunately, in an environment that placed men on a throne like a king and they're supposed to be doing a huge responsibilities to feed the family and care for them that they don't need to be bothered with mundane things like housework. Bullshit. Housework is as important as much as earning for the family. Imagine not having clean clothes to wear to work. Or clean dishes to put your food on. Or food to eat. When you live as a family, it's all about sharing. Sharing the food, sharing the same house, sharing the shower foam...why not share the love and respect equally? Why not share the housework? Right? Right? The extra X chromosome in women doesn't spell 'house worker' or as an excuse for men to bail out on housework. Perhaps I should remind my housemates about that. Hmm...

But seriously, men out there, doing a laundry or dishes don't make you gay. Lots of women love men who help in the kitchen. In fact, I'm going to find me a man who knows how to make me happy. A man who'll help me doing housework without me asking him too. The only problem is, like a friend once said, if I were to find a man like that, I might end up falling for a gay man, or not falling at all.

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