
But I thought they live happily ever after...

Water Day 4: I managed to drink more yesterday! About 1.3 litre now. I'm slowly getting there...

Despite growing up in a non-English speaking household, thanks to Dad, my mom taught us few words of English here and there when we were a kid. My dad passed away when I was too young to remember most of the times I spent with him, but from his various English book collections, I'm sure he could speak in English fluently. While my mom doesn't speak English at all, she can understand some of the basic sentences in English.

Like any normal girl my age, I was instantly fascinated with fairy tales. Cinderella and Snow White were among my favourites. I watch them over and over again and never grew tired of them. In my young mind, I constructed an image of my very own prince charming, the day we'd met and fall in love, and of course, we'd live happily ever after.

Fast forward to today, I grew up and while I still love fairy tales and the happy ending, I doubt the fairy tales ending now. Whenever people around me get married and started their own family, I am filled with joy that they've found their knight in shining armour or fair maiden, fall in love and pronounce their vows to each other. For better or worse, till death do them part. The only thing that I didn't give much thoughts before was the life they're going to have after the wedding. I mean, fairy tales didn't prepare me for this. They never tell me what happens when they live together, leading a life as husband and wife.

Too bad for me, I found out on my own. For my eldest sister, they managed to skip the 'till death do them part' and proceeded to get a divorce. My sister is still alive. I had a friend telling me that her husband is short tempered and the only thing that keeps them from fighting is because she keeps quiet whenever the husband suffers from a yelling spell. Another friend got upset and cancelled a dinner plan with several other friends because her husband asked her to take their daughter along. It was as if the husband wanted to emphasize on the fact that my friend is a stay at home mom. Just last week, my colleague finished her works in a rush and hurried home to cook because her husband gets annoyed if he has to wait too long for dinner.

These happened around me, the girl who dreamed of her own fairy tale ending while growing up. Have all these people lost the sparkles of love in their lives I wonder. What happened to happily ever after? The true colours unfolding before their eyes and I bet they don't like it. What did they do to cause such changes? Regardless of what must have caused these changes, I hate to think that marriage might ruin everything.

Of course, some of the blogs I frequented, especially Pioneer Woman's, shows me that amidst her pile of laundries, there is still hope for a happily ever after. But I'm afraid that reading about other people's lives is just like reading a fairy tale. Another fairy tale, another doubt. Why is it that it always looks so beautiful in writing, yet could be so far out from the reality?

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